Why the ‘Clean 15’ list falls short – More reason to buy everything organic.

 I’m going to make a few assumptions here. First, I’m assuming you buy organic food, or at least consider buying organic whenever possible. Second, I’m assuming you are concerned about the long term effects of pesticides on your health. Third, I’m assuming you’ve probably heard of the “Clean 15” and “Dirty dozen” list by the Environmental Working Group. Finally, I’m also assuming maybe you’ve decided – based on the list- what produce you don’t need to buy organic (those on the Clean 15 list). I’m going to make a few assumptions here. First, I’m assuming you buy organic food, or at least consider buying organic whenever possible. Second, I’m assuming you are concerned about the long term effects of pesticides on your health. Third, I’m assuming you’ve probably heard of the “Clean 15” and “Dirty dozen” list by the Environmental Working Group. Finally, I’m also assuming maybe you’ve decided – based on the list- what produce you don’t need to buy organic (those on the Clean 15 list). (more…)